...you'll see today. A bahaba, a species of sciaenid fish from the western Pacific,
was caught and sold this week. That might not sound like much of a news item, until you hear the rest of the story. The bahaba (
Bahaba taipingensis) is critically endangered, primarily as the result of massive overfishing. You see, the swim bladder of the bahaba is thought to have medicinal powers. This 300 pound fish was the first of its kind to be caught in more than a year, and sold for the equivalent of $500,000. A pretty magnificent fish that will soon go the way of the dodo. Or, more appropriately, the way of the rhino, and for much the same reasons.
I like the comment at the end of this article. What do you think we could get for the dried and powdered remains of a Chinese herbalist?
I do not think we would get much because I know we would not want it. Or do we?