After the well-publicized failure of top-kill, BP has a whole 'nother idea. Now we can all sleep soundly.
Their crack response team of Larry, Curly, and Moe now plan to attack the leak on three fronts. First, after pumping some 30,000 barrels of mud into the well in an attempt to block the flow of oil, BP engineers will reverse the approach. They will use equipment and pipes already present, but will instead try to carry the oil to surface and capture it. In addition, plans are underway to saw through the pipe below failed blow-out preventer (BOP) to allow the installation of a cap that will sit atop the BOP and direct oil into a pipe to the surface. Finally, BP is moving forward with the last-resort solution of relief wells that will reduce pressure at the wellhead and allow the installation of an additional BOP on top of the first.
BP is "confident it will succeed." So, there you go - nothing to worry about.
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